Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now 2019 Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now es un documental dirigido por Baris Azman Año 2019 Título original Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now Sinopsis Documental sobre Chas Gerretsen fotógrafo de set en Apocalypse Now posiblemente la más icónica de la historia Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now 2019 IMDb With Chas Gerretsen Züleyha Azman Jan de Vries Martijn van den Broek In the 1970s Dutch photographer Charles Chas Gerretsen suddenly became world famous with his then small oeuvre Privateer from a young age and former war photographer he was invited by Francis Ford Coppola to capture everything on the set of Apocalypse Now because of his wartime experiences DUTCH ANGLE CHAS GERRETSEN amp APOCALYPSE NOW DUTCH ANGLE CHAS GERRETSEN amp APOCALYPSE NOW A film by Baris Azman After becoming world famous for his work as a war photographer Chas Gerretsen was asked in 1976 by Francis Ford Coppola to capture everything on the set of his new film
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Fichas relacionadas de Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen Relaciones de Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now precuela secuela remake spinoff reboot episodio película relacionada Trailer Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now In Dutch Angle verkent de regisseur Baris Azman oa Gerretsens jeugd in Nederland zijn werk in conflictgebieden als Chili Cambodja en Vietnam en zijn relatie met Coppola de cast amp crew en toont Laatste kans Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now With Dutch Angle Chas Gerretsen amp Apocalypse Now director Baris Azman tells the story of Gerretsen himself while at the same time exhibiting his haunting and visceral work on the filmset that provides a fresh new angle on what is widely regarded as one of the best films ever made Dutch Angle Fotografando Apocalipse Now Belas Artes À DUTCH ANGLE CHAS GERRETSEN amp APOCALYPSE NOW Holanda 2019 Direção Baris Azman Elenco Chas Gerretsen Habilite a legenda no botão CC no canto direito do player Depois de ficar reconhecido mundialmente pelo seu trabalho como fotógrafo de guerra Chas Gerretsen foi convidado por Francis Ford Coppola em 1976 à fotografar tudo o que rolaria no set de filmagem de seu novo filme
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